Mie Inaba was born in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan as the youngest of family member. Her paternal grandfather used to own subcontractor company of camera lens in her hometown. Even though she was born after he retired in order to see his work, she knew that he was the one who loved the photography the most in her family. Therefore, she believes that she is the most part of him to be a photographer as well. Years of education, she graduated high school in New Zealand. Once she came back to Japan, she decided again to leave her home for exploring her career in USA and attended the program of photography at Santa Monica College, California for few years. As she graduated, currently she resides in Tokyo, and is a freelancer.
カメラのレンズの下請け工場を営む祖父の末孫として茨城県に生まれる。写真を最も愛する祖父の影響を受けカメラに執着。 のち、ニュージーランドの高校を卒業後、渡米。カリフォルニア州、サンタモニカカレッジで写真を専攻。様々な分野の写真学を習得する。 5年間のアメリカ・ロサンゼルス生活を経て、現在東京に拠点を移し、フリーランスとして従事している。